Salespersons are a staple of every business that has something to sell, and HVAC companies are no exception. However, some salespeople can be aggressive to the point where they make the sale an unpleasant experience for a buyer. In today’s post, Allison Air Conditioning shares tips on how to handle aggressive HVAC sales tactics.

Aggressive Sales Tactics
There are aggressive HVAC sales tactics that are recognizable when they’re used in a sales pitch. Here are some of the most common sales tactics that can be considered as red flags.
- Too much jargon. Many people want to keep up with the latest trends, and salespeople can sometimes lean into it by dazzling a potential buyer with jargon and technical specifications.
- Arguing and interrupting. Aggressive salespeople are not exactly great listeners. They’ll argue their points, interrupt customers and act defensive when corrected.
- Doomsday scenarios. This is one of the oldest tricks in the book. Scare tactics and worst-case scenarios are designed to make customers purchase their products on the spot.
- Too many add-ons. A salesperson may offer what looks like a good deal but will try to tack on additional items, usually accessories, to make a bigger sale. Sometimes these add-ons are so essential to the HVAC system’s operation that you’d have no choice but to buy them.
- Limited-time offers. While offers that expire on a certain date are generally legitimate, some salespersons use this to get you to make your purchase right then and there. Be wary of offers like “this discount is only valid until the end of the day”.
How to Handle Aggressive Sales Tactics
The key to handling aggressive sales tactics is keeping yourself informed about what you need to buy. Take the time to research product features and specifications. Find out how to calculate the air conditioner size based on your home’s (or room’s) square footage. Find out how SEER ratings work and how it can help you save on your utility bills. Look up manufacturer offers like Carrier® rebates and find out which HVAC contractors offer them.
If you do find yourself in consultation with an aggressive salesperson, be wary of the signs we described above. Many people make the mistake of buying something just to make the person go away. This is fine for small trinkets, but HVAC systems are a significant purchase, and one that you’ll be using for years. Ultimately, keep in mind that you have the power to decline a sale if you’re not comfortable with it.
Trust Allison for a Pleasant and Reliable HVAC Service
We at Allison Air Conditioning value customer service and education over making a quick sale — our customer reviews and repeat business speak for themselves. For more information about our services, including air conditioning repair, give us a call at (951) 356-4224. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule a no-obligation consultation. We serve Corona, CA, and the surrounding communities.