If you’re looking for a new air conditioning system for your home, consider checking out a variable-speed air conditioner. In today’s post, local HVAC company Allison Air Conditioning discusses how it works, as well as its benefits over other systems.
Should You Set Your Air Conditioner to “On” or “Auto”?
With summer in full swing, you want your air conditioning system to operate at peak efficiency without you costing an arm and a leg in utility bills. In today’s post, local HVAC company Allison Air Conditioning shares a look at air conditioner settings that may save you money if used correctly: the “on” and “auto” settings.
Heating System Maintenance: Why It Should Be Done in the Summer
Summer won’t be here for several months; however, this season is the best time to have your heating system serviced and inspected by an HVAC professional. In today’s post, local heating and air conditioning repair contractor Allison Air Conditioning explains why you should schedule heating maintenance this summer.
Mistakes to Avoid When Using Your Heat Pump
A heat pump offers an energy-efficient alternative to traditional HVAC systems like furnaces and air conditioning units. During the cooling season, it moves heat from the indoors to the warm outdoors. To ensure optimal performance and efficient operation, you must see to it that you avoid these common mistakes first-time heat pump users often commit:
Is the iWave Air Right for You?
Electrostatic precipitation devices have long been used in industrial applications due to their highly-effective air filtration capabilities. However, industrial electrostatic precipitators are too large and expensive for residential use. Our experts at Allison Air Conditioning aim to change this by introducing the iWave Air purification system.