You don’t have to be a heating and air conditioning professional to understand the importance of cleaning or replacing dirty HVAC filters. Over time, contaminants such as dust, dander and other particles will accumulate on the filter surface and negatively impact its performance. This could lead to poor IAQ (indoor air quality) levels and even […]
Interesting Facts About AC Usage (and Tips on Lowering Your Costs)
No country is more dependent on air conditioning than the United States. In fact, 84% of American houses have cooling equipment. This piece of trivia is intriguing, for a large portion of our nation doesn’t experience a hot, humid climate.
4 Tips for Diagnosing a Faulty Thermostat
A broken thermostat is enough to shut down your entire HVAC system. This device acts as the brain that orchestrates the operation of your heating and cooling equipment. When it fails to detect that the room temperature has gone above or dropped below the set temperature, discomfort ensues. It is at these times when the […]
How to Manage Spring Allergies in the Inland Empire
The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) recently published its report titled 2019 Most Challenging Places to Live With Spring Allergies. In it, Riverside, CA, is ranked as 4th in the West region and 52nd nationwide. Allison Air Conditioning examines what it means to suffer from spring allergies, and how your air conditioner can […]
Do You Need a Humidifier
With over three decades of experience in the HVAC industry, our experts at Allison Air Conditioning have resolved countless issues with indoor air quality, and one of the biggest factors that plays a role in the quality of your air is your home’s relative humidity (RH).