Nowadays, most houses have an HVAC unit that serves as the home’s heating and cooling system, designed to keep the home comfortable all-year-round. However, according to experts, some homeowners, especially new ones, often have questions about heat pumps. For instance, why do heat pumps run constantly when the weather gets too cold?
How Your Heat Pump Cools & Heats Your Home
Part of having a well-maintained heat pump is knowing how it works. To fully understand how your heat pump works to provide heating and air conditioning, you first need to realize that heat pumps don’t actually generate heat. They’re aptly named for the way they move or “pump” heat from one place to another.
Why Should You Switch to a Smart Thermostat?
Thermostats help you control your home’s heaters and air conditioners. If you’re thinking about getting a new one for your home, a smart thermostat is something you should consider. It includes great features such as Wi-Fi, advanced algorithms and more. Thermostats help you control your home’s heaters and air conditioners. If you’re thinking about getting a new […]
Zoned HVAC: Is It the Best Choice for Your Comfort Needs?
Heating and cooling your home can be challenging, especially if not everyone in your household agrees on the best temperature at which to set the thermostat. While uneven comfort in certain areas of the home isn’t uncommon, it’s often an indicator of an issue that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. For either […]
How to Keep Your Pets Cool & Comfortable During the Summer
The summer heat can be uncomfortable for people, but even more so for pets. Coping with extreme temperatures can be difficult enough, let alone dealing with the humidity and the need to stay hydrated at all times. As trusted air conditioning service experts, we only want to help keep your pets safe and cool this […]