Certain errors in using heating systems can lead to increased energy bills, reduced system efficiency or even put the safety of your home at risk. While unit and system manuals are thorough in how to use them, they don’t mention these five home heating mistakes that experts from Allison Air Conditioning often discover in numerous projects.
How Long Will My New Heat Pump Last?
Across the country, heat pumps have emerged as a popular and efficient HVAC system for many homes. With the ability to provide both warmth in the cooler months and cooling during our warm summers, heat pumps are a versatile solution for year-round comfort. If you’re considering a heat pump for your home or have recently installed one, […]
What Are the Best HVAC Options for Home Additions?
Adding a new space to your residence requires extending your HVAC system to ensure year-round comfort. Whether you’re building a sunroom or a new bedroom or expanding your living area, choosing the right HVAC solution keeps the new space comfortable and energy-efficient. This post explores various HVAC options for home additions.
5 Common Cold-Weather Heat Pump Issues
As a resident of Corona, CA, while you may not experience the harsh winters of the northeast, you might still encounter chilly nights that push your heat pump to its limits. Heat pumps are an energy-efficient marvel for both heating and cooling your home. However, during those colder periods, several issues might rear their heads, […]
Should I Leave the Heat on “Low” All Day in Fall and Winter?
Before you rely on your furnace or heat pump for warmth during the fall and winter months, it would make sense to be aware of the proper way to get the most out of it. One common question homeowners raise involves the supposed efficiency and performance of your system when leaving the heat setting on […]