With summer in full swing, you want your air conditioning system to operate at peak efficiency without you costing an arm and a leg in utility bills. In today’s post, local HVAC company Allison Air Conditioning shares a look at air conditioner settings that may save you money if used correctly: the “on” and “auto” settings.
On vs. Auto
The “on” and “auto” settings control the air conditioner’s fan and blower, which create airflow and help distribute conditioned air throughout your home. Choosing the “on” setting keeps the fan and blower on at all times, even when the air conditioner isn’t generating cool air. On the other hand, switching the setting to “auto” turns on the fan and blower only when the system is generating cool air. The thermostat automatically turns them off along with the air conditioner when the desired room temperature is reached.
Which One Is Better?
Since air conditioners are intended to run at all times — this consumes far less energy than turning it off and on every day — the fan and blower will be running non-stop as well, which means the AC will consume more energy. It can also increase wear and tear on the HVAC system and increase the frequency of necessary air conditioning repairs.
Some types of air conditioners run both supply and return fans when the fans and blowers are set to “on”. This means the room will lose conditioned air faster than it would have if the system was set to “auto”. This, in turn, means the air conditioner will switch back on more frequently, using up even more energy. Since cool air is a natural dehumidifier, the “on” setting may also affect relative indoor humidity levels, as the air conditioner won’t be able to maintain the indoor temperature.
So why do air conditioners have the “on” setting at all? This setting is intended for use in situations when the room needs constant airflow, as is often the case when you need to get rid of smoke or bad odors. It can also provide off-season cooling in the absence of a freestanding fan. When in doubt, it’s best to keep it set to “auto”.
Call Allison for Your Air Conditioning Needs
Allison Air Conditioning is your leading provider of heating and cooling services. Give us a call at (951) 402-1281. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve customers in Corona and the surrounding communities.